*”The Challenge Again – 2015!” by Todd Parsley

The Challenge Again – 2015

Todd Parsley 2I was encouraged last Sunday with the number of our members who had completed the yearly bible reading for 2014. I hope many more of you will join in as we challenge ourselves to reading the Bible through again in 2015. I promise you that you will learn more, see more, hear more, and be satisfied with reading the Word of God through in your life.
The Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6 that the Word of God is our sword as we endure as a good soldier of Christ. It was not given to us to collect dust and remain unused or remain in the backseat of the car. It is to be used and read and cherished as we would cherish our most prized possession.
The challenge to read the Bible through in a year is one that does require dedication and commitment. Sacrifices of time and schedule have to be made, but I think we all honestly know that we have room in our time and schedule for 20 minutes a day to spend in reading the Bible.
So we are 11 days into the new year. Have you started yet? Are you going to start? Do you think God would want you to read all His word? Time to sharpen our minds and feed our faith with the Holy Word of God! You won’t regret it…”the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
If we here at the Centerville Church of Christ can be of any spiritual assistance to you. Please let us know.
God Bless- Todd





Editor’s Note:

One of the persistent themes of God’s Word is “change”!  To change from the carnal pre-saved-self into the spiritually-saved-new-self. The former self despised the Word of God, Fellow-ship with the congregation, group-Bible Studies and, even refused to be drawn in to the habit of spending time with each other unless it was unavoidable and absolutely necessary. The latter-self surrendered their heart to Christ and began to embrace all of these things as being precious to this life and to the life to come. I found myself and many close friends on this same matrix of “change vs static resistance”.  I’m still working myself through it as we speak and am enjoying every minute of it

Through the reading of the Word of God (Bread of Life) alone is found the way and the impetus for complete change. Otherwise, there is no change in this life or the next. Stay in the Word and in the Fellow-ship. Not there? Get there today. Daily Bible Reading works! So do “Pot-Luck” Dinners at our Centerville Family Life Center. Y’all Come!

Bill for the OWLS